Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pathetic Fallacy in London

Pathetic Fallacy is a poetic term that attributes human feelings to inanimate objects.  Somehow this is different from personification... but don't search me for that answer, because I have no idea.  I've always heard the term "pathetic fallacy" as a way to describe when the weather reflects a character's mood, e.g. it's rainy when a character is sad, it's sunny when a character is happy.

That wasn't exactly what happened today, but pretty darn close.

We were supposed to go to the Olympic Village today - exciting right?!  Yeah, well, we were, until we found out that the viewing platform was closed and there was no way we could get any closer than the outdoor train stop.  So this is as close as I got to the 2012 Olympics:
The main stadium - I can't find an official name anywhere.

Then we decided we'd try to go to Greenwich and stand over the Prime Meridian.  Buuuuut that was also closed.  So we comforted ourselves by a boat ride up the Thames back to our place, then a bit of shopping.

A bit of a disappointing day.  And it also happened to be overcast.  Ergo, pathetic fallacy.

I realize that talking about the weather gets dull quickly, but many Londoners tell us that this is, by far, the rainiest summer in living memory.  This doesn't really make me feel great - I'd rather hear that this is perfectly normal for July.  Then I'd just accept the rain.  There literally hasn't been a day when it hasn't rained here.

Addendum: I think what I'm trying to say is that, even on vacation in a great city, not every day is going to be perfect.  Some plans just don't work out.  And some days don't have surprise silver linings.  It means the highlight of my day is sitting in our flat, eating a Magnum ice cream bar, and watching New Girl.  And really, that's just fine by me.

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